The Museum of Work & Culture invites the public to an upcoming event to continue its annual celebration for the Mois de la Francophonie. Gather a team and test your knowledge with “All-Things-French” Trivia, a competition featuring trivia highlighting the diversity of the Francophone world. Held at Ciro’s Tavern on March 20th, beginning at 6pm, guests will travel the globe through trivia, with questions testing their knowledge of the various countries and cultures that make up the Francophone diaspora while enjoying Francophone music. All guests will enjoy a spread of Ciro Tavern’s most popular appetizers as part of their ticket, with a cash bar also available. Prizes will be awarded!
Tickets are available for $25 for General Admission and $20 for RIHS members and may be purchased here.
“All-Things-French” Trivia is made possible in part by the event’s generous sponsors: Délégation of Québec in Boston, Brule, Nault & Hainley, Lepine Financial Advisors, RI AFL-CIO, The Brickle Group, New England Laborers, Bourget & Associates, Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery, Council General of Canada, David Soucy, NEARI, Single Source Disaster Recovery Specialist, Inc, and Paul and Denise Bourget .