The Rhode Island Historical Society is happy to announce that we will be hosting a workshop for teachers about the Underground Railroad in Rhode Island on Wednesday, September 22 at 4:00 p.m. at the Society’s headquarters in Providence. This new module provides a fascinating glimpse of Rhode Island workers and their clandestine activities in seeking to assist freedom seekers traveling to and through Rhode Island, with emphasis on the roles played by African Americans in the Underground Railroad here. Thanks to funding from the National Park Service’s Network to Freedom program, administered by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), we are able to offer Rhode Island teachers a $50 stipend for their participation. In the workshop, teachers will be introduced to the forthcoming module of essays about the Underground Railroad to be published on the Society’s online and free platform, EnCompass.
The workshop is hosted by RIHS education staff and features noted scholar and author of the essays, Dr. Elizabeth Stevens. Teachers will also be introduced to related primary resource materials and new lesson plans associated with the module. Providence College generously provides web hosting and technical support for EnCompass. Lessons and resources are designed for high school, but teachers of all levels are invited to attend. Space is limited! This workshop is full. Please email Geralyn Ducady at to be added to the waitlist.