The Museum of Work & Culture continues Therapeutic Tuesdays, a free, bi-weekly virtual all-ability program.
The program will provide families free access to therapist-led art and music activities designed to help children and teens with sensory sensitivities engage creatively with the MoWC’s themes. The events will be streamed live on the Museum’s Facebook page, where participants will be able to engage live with the therapists with comments and questions. The broadcast will then be recorded and made available for those unable to attend the live session.
In addition, families who register in advance will have the opportunity to pick up activity materials curbside at the Museum the week before the program. Those wishing to register for free activity materials can register by emailing
The final session will be held on Tuesday, August 11, when we will be joined again by Hands in Harmony, Inc.
These events are free and made possible with the generous support of CVS Health Charity Classic.