Join the Rhode Island Historical Society along with Deborah Spears Moorehead and fellow artists on a walking tour along the Providence River area on September 18th at 10am. Moorhead will lead a walking tour along the Providence River highlighting its significance to native Indigenous communities. The tour will include musical performances and spoken word storytelling by Moorehead and her fellow community members.
“Embedded in the landscapes and waterways of Turtle Island are the memories of Native American people,” says Moorhead. “Certain places in our homelands are sacred and powerful, and these locations tell their own story. Weybosset Crossing in Providence, Rhode Island is one of these places.” The walking tour will allow participants to dive deeper into the native Indigenous culture that makes up Rhode Island’s diverse history.
This tour is free to the public but registration is limited and required through our online ticketing page.
This program is made possible with the support of the City of Providence Department of Art, Culture + Tourism.
Moorehead is a conceptual fine artist, painter, sculptor, Native American consultant, educator, and historian. She is also a traditional Cultural Bearer, storyteller, author, music composer, and performer. She belongs to the Seaconke Pokanoket Wampanoag Tribal Nation of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. She is a descendant of Massasoit, who was the Supreme Sachem of the Wampanoag Nation in 1620.
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