In this issue:
Samuel Ames: The Great Chief Justice of Rhode Island by Peter Magrath Samuel Ames court system Supreme Court Rhode Island Bar St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Whig Party Dorr War separation of powers Taylor v. Place (1856) judicial independence
Alexandre Berthier’s Journal of the American Campaign by Marshall Morgan Alexandre Berthier American Revolution Vicomte de Rochambeau French troops George Washington naval warfare Newport Providence
A Question as to Buenos Ayres: Rhode Islanders in the River Plate Slave Trade, 1806-07 by Earl C Tanner slave trade Argentina British attack on Buenos Aires Brown and Ives
Winthrop’s Boston: Portrait of a Puritan Town, 1630-1649, by Darrett B. Rutman, reviewed by Joyce Ransome
John Smith, the Miller, of Providence, Rhode Island; Some of His Descendants (concluded) by Charles William Farnham

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