Rhode Island History Journal, Vol. 41, February 1982

In this issue:

Providence: A Century of Greatness, 1832-1932 by J. Stanley Lemons and George H. Kellner

Hostages to Local History by H. Nicholas Muller, 3rd

Artifacts and the American Past, by Thomas J. Schlereth, reviewed by Laura B. Roberts

From Memory to History: Using Oral Sources in Local Historical Research, by Barbara Allen and Lynwood Montell, reviewed by Valerie Quinney

Early Americans, by Carl Bridenbaugh, reviewed by Alden T. Vaughan

Settlement and Unsettlement in Early America: The Crisis of Political Legitimacy before the Revolution, by Kenneth A. Lockridge, reviewed by Bruce C. Daniels

William Ellery Channing: An Essay on the Liberal Spirit in America, by Andrew Delbanco, reviewed by William G. McLoughlin

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