1.   Historical note

2.   Scope and content

3.   Inventory

4.   Subjects

    List of finding aids

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 Narragansett Bay Commission - Citizens Advisory Committee

 State agency, based in Providence, RI

 Records, 1980-1986

 Size: 2.5 linear feet

 Catalog number: MSS 845

 Processed by: Betty Havrylik, May, 1998

Revised by Karen Eberhart November, 2001

©Rhode Island Historical Society

Manuscripts Division


Historical note:

            The Fields Point Sewage Treatment Plant in Providence, RI was constructed in 1901. By 1970, the plant was unable to perform the function intended and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the State of Rhode Island and the environmental group Save the Bay, sued the City of Providence to take action. As part of the agreement from the lawsuit, the EPA required the City of Providence to include public participation in the planning and design phase for the new treatment plant. The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) was formed in October 1980 under the auspices of the City of Providence Water Pollution Abatement Program. The CAC took a decisive role in the initial phases of planning for the new treatment plant at Fields Point.

            Recognizing that the resources of the City of Providence were inadequate to the task of completely revamping the sewage treatment facilities, an $87.7 million bond issue was on the ballot in November, 1980. The bond passed and the Naragansett Bay Water Quality Management District Commission was created to acquire, plan, construct, finance, extend and improve the Providence sewage treatment facilities. Because ownership of the sewage plant was transferred from the City of Providence to the Narragansett Bay Commission, the work of the CAC ended in March, 1982. However, the active members were invited to contribute their energy and expertise to a new Citizens Advisory Committee created by the Naragansett Bay Commission. The new CAC was basically a continuation of the former and served the same purpose by contributing public input to the work of the Naragansett Bay Commission.

            Janet Weiner's role with the Citizens Advisory Committee began in October, 1980. She was initially involved as an employee of the Charles A. Krasnoff Associates consulting firm which had a contract with the City of Providence to oversee the initial work on the treatment plant. She then became the Secretary of the CAC under the Narragansett Bay Commission for the period 1983-1985 and also took note of the actions of the Bay Commission on behalf of the League of Women Voters.

            Gail Sansbury served on the Citizens' Advisory Committee under the Narragansett Bay Commission as an alternate member (1983-84), Vice-Chairperson (1984-85), and as Parliamentarian (1985-86).


Buhle, Paul; Scott Molloy, Gail Sansbury, eds. History of Rhode Island Working People


Robadue, Donald D. Jr. "A Citizens' Advisory Committee That Works: The Public Role in Water Quality Planning in Narragansett Bay." n.d., in the City of Providence Water Pollution Abatement Program Records, Rhode Island Historical Society, box 1, folder 7.


Sansbury, Gail. Speech to Rhode Island Legislature at their First Legislative Celebration of Women's History, "Making Women's History in Rhode Island," Providence, RI, March 6, 1986 in RIHS, VF SUBJ W 872.

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Scope and content:

            The collection is divided into two series based on the provenance of the records.

Series I

            The records collected by Janet Weiner consist primarily of meeting minutes, correspondence and reports created by and given to the CAC during 1980-1985. They were arranged by Janet Weiner in chronological order. This series documents the work of both Citizens Advisory Committees under the City of Providence and under the Narragansett Bay Commission. The records also include a chronological collection of newspaper clippings which follow the process through the eyes of the press. A paper prepared by Donald D. Robadue Jr. is an assessment of the success of the CAC from the perspective of one of the members and provides a good summary of the work of the group (Box 1, folder 7). Also of note is the speech given by Anna Louise Nestmann at the dedication of the Narragansett Bay Commission's operations building on September 12, 1985. Her speech also details the work of the CAC and the obstacles that still needed to be cleared (Box 1, folder 7).

Series II

            Gail G. Sansbury collected the material in this series and it has been arranged by subject matter and filed alphabetically. This collection consists primarily of papers and publications distributed to members of the Narragansett Bay Commission's Citizen Advisory Committee.

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Series I - Janet Weiner

Box 1, folder 1. Minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., Jun 1980-Dec 1980

Box 1, folder 2. Minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., Jan 1981-Jun 1981

Box 1, folder 3. Minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., Jul 1981-Dec 1981

Box 1, folder 4. Minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., 1982

Box 1, folder 5. Minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., 1983

Box 1, folder 6. Minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., 1984

Box 1, folder 7. Minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., 1985

Box 1, folder 8. Newspaper clippings, 1979-80

Box 1, folder 9. Newspaper clippings, 1981

Box 2, folder 1. Newspaper clippings, 1982

Box 2, folder 2. Newspaper clippings, 1983

Box 2, folder 3. Newspaper clippings, 1984

Box 2, folder 4. Newspaper clippings, 1985

Series II - Gail G. Sansbury

Box 3, folder 1. Budgetary Information (Operating Exp., Lease), c.1984, n.d.

Box 3, folder 2. Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, 1983-1986, n.d.

Box 3, folder 3. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) - Area A (a.k.a. #7&8) Studies, 1984, n.d.

Box 3, folder 4. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) - Area B (a.k.a. #3,4&5) Studies, 1985-86, n.d.

Box 3, folder 5. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) - Area #9 Studies, 1984, n.d.

Box 3, folder 6. Correspondence - Incoming, 1984-1986

Box 3, folder 7. Correspondence - Outgoing, 1984-1986

Box 3, folder 8. Fields Point Wastewater Treatment Facility Monthly Reports,

            07/21-22/1982, 11/1983 and 1984

Box 3, folder 9. Fields Point Wastewater Treatment Facility Monthly Reports, 1985

Box 3, folder 10. Fields Point Wastewater Treatment Facility Monthly Reports, 1986

Box 3, folder 11. Fields Point Wastewater Treatment Facility Nine Year Upgrade Plans; Update, n.d.

Box 3, folder 12. Glossary of Wastewater Treatment Terms

Box 3, folder 13. Governor's Conference on Water Policy, June 28, 1984

Box 3, folder 14. Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program, 10/1984 and 1985

Box 3, folder 15. Legislation and Testimonies, 1983-1986, n.d.

Box 3, folder 16. Lists: Committees, Mailing, etc., 1983, 1984 ,n.d.

Box 3, folder 17. Meeting Minutes - NBC Citizens Advisory Committee, 11/09/1983- 08/13/1986

Box 3, folder 18. Meeting Minutes - Miscellaneous, 1984, 1986

Box 3, folder 19. Meeting Minutes - NBC Board, 1984-1986

Box 3, folder 20. Meeting Notices/Agendas, 1983-1986

Box 3, folder 21. Miscellaneous

Box 3, folder 22. Miscellaneous Notes (Believed to be written by Gail Sansbury)

Box 3, folder 23. Monthly Reports to the Board of Commissioners, 1984-1986

Box 3, folder 24. Narragansett Bay Commission Personnel Roster, 04/25/1984

Box 3, folder 25. NBC Printed Brochures: Annual Reports, Wastewater System Info Sheet, Inc.

Box 3, folder 26. Newspaper Articles, 1984-1986; News Release, 1982; Headlines,1910-1980

Box 3, folder 27. Pleasant Valley Parkway Interceptor Project, 1984 ,n.d.

Box 3, folder 28. Public Utilities Commission - Docket No. 1795, c. 1985-1986

Box 3, folder 29. Rate Structures; User Fees, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985 ,n.d.

Box 3, folder 30. Related Information from Other Sources, dated

Box 4, folder 1. Related Information from Other Sources, n.d.

Box 4, folder 2. Request for Proposals (RFPs) - Various Projects, 1983, 1984, 1986

            (other RFPs can be found in specific Project Files)

Box 4, folder 3. Site Visits re: Computer Systems in Use in Other Communities, 1983

Box 4, folder 4. Synopses of Questions and Comments; Responsiveness Surveys, Program

            Evaluations, 1984-85.

Box 4, folder 5. Water Conservation Program

Box 4, folder 6. Water Quality Watcher, 01/1981, 04/1981, 06/1981, 08/1981 and 12/1981

            (Newsletter for the City of Prov., RI Water Pollution Abatement Program)

Box 4, folder 7. Dept. of the Army, N.E. Div., Corps of Engineer. Waltham, MA: June, 1979.

            Pawcatuck River and Narragansett Bay Drainage Basins/ Water and Related Land

            Resources Study/ Big River Reservoir Project - Main Report (DRAFT)

Box 4, folder 8. Dept. of the Army, N.E. Div., Corps of Engineer. Waltham, MA: June, 1979.

            Pawcatuck River and Narragansett Bay Drainage Basins/ Water and Related Land

            Resources Study/ Big River Reservoir Project - Appendix A and Appendix B


Box 4, folder 9. Dept. of the Army, N.E. Div., Corps of Engineer. Waltham, MA: June, 1979.

            Pawtuxet River Basin, Rhode Island/ Hydologic Analysis for Big River Reservoir/

            A Planning Aid Report/ Hydrologic Engr. Section, Water Control Branch,

            Engineering Division - Appendix D (DRAFT)

Box 4, folder 10. Dept. of the Army, N.E. Div., Corps of Engineer. Waltham, MA: June, 1979.

            Pawcatuck River and Narragansett Bay Drainage Basins/ Water and Related Land

            Resources Study/ Big River Reservoir Project - Appendix E, Appendix F and Appendix G


Box 4, folder 11. Dept. of the Army, N.E. Div., Corps of Engineer. Waltham, MA: June, 1979.

            Pawcatuck River and Narragansett Bay Drainage Basins/ Water and Related Land

            Resources Study/ Big River Reservoir Project - Appendix H, Volumes I, II and III


Box 4, folder 12. Dept. of the Army, N.E. Div., Corps of Engineer. Waltham, MA: June, 1979.

            Pawcatuck River and Narragansett Bay Drainage Basins/ Water and Related Land

            Resources Study/ Big River Reservoir Project - Appendix I


Box 4, folder 13. Narragansett Bay Commission, 1980. Sewer Use Ordinance (DRAFT)

Box 5, folder 1. New England River Basins Commission, October 1980.

            Before the Well Runs Dry: A handbook for designing a local water conservation plan.

Box 5, folder 2. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1982.

             Sewer Charges for Wastewater Collection & Treatment: A Survey

Box 5, folder 3. Arthur Young & Company, June 1983.

            1983 Water and Wastewater Rate Survey of Major Southeastern Cities.

Box 5, folder 4. Coastal Resources Management Council, 1983.

            Providence Harbor: A Special Area Management Plan (Review Draft).

Box 5, folder 5. Rhode Island League of Women Voters, September, 1983

            Study of Rhode Island Water Systems: "The Issues of Management".

Box 5, folder 6. Special Legislative Commission on Water Supply, June 6, 1983.

            Water Conservation: Money in the Bank, A Case Study of Industrial Water Conservation.

Box 5, folder 7. Intergovernmental Policy Analysis Program, Univ of RI. December, 1984.

Financing and Charges for the Wastewater Treatment system of the Narragansett Bay Commission (Prepared for The Narragansett Bay Commission).

Box 5, folder 8. Narragansett Bay Commission, December, 1984.

             Testimony and Data in Support of Rate Application

Box 5, folder 9. Save The Bay, 1984.

            Save the Bay 1984 Annual Report

Box 5, folder 10. Narragansett Bay Commission, February, 1985.

            Sewer User Fee Rate Tariff and Supporting Data - Volume I

Box 5, folder 11. Narragansett Bay Commission, August, 1986.

            Proposed Capital Improvement Program, FY 86/87 - FY 90/91 (DRAFT)

Box 5, folder 12. Tufts University: Medford, MA, 1986. 

            Announcing Globescope II: An International Forum.

Box 5, folder 13. City of Warwick, c.1985.

            Warwick: the crossroads of rhode island.

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Citizens' advisory committees - Rhode Island

Fields Point Wastewater Treatment Facility (Providence, RI)

Narragansett Bay

Nestmann, Anna Louise

Providence Water Pollution Abatement Program

Sansbury, Gail G.

Sewage - Environmental aspects - Rhode Island

Water quality - Rhode Island

Weiner, Janet

End of finding aid - return to top
