Colony of Rhode-Island, &c. In General Assembly, May session, 1776 : an act repealing an act intituled, "An act for the more effectual securing to His Majesty the allegiance of his subjects in this his colony and dominion of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations;" and altering the form of commissions, of all writs and processes in the courts, and of the oaths prescribed by law.
Signed by "Henry Ward, Secry" The act which was repealed did not actually prescribe allegiance to the King; it empowered colony officials to "tender the oaths of allegiance and abjuration unto" persons suspected of disloyalty to the King. The repeal was nonetheless considered a revocation of allegiance to George III, and the date of its passage is a legal holiday in Rhode Island. Cf. Lovejoy. RIHS copy has the word "Colony" overwritten by hand with the word "State" in the sections of oaths for the General Officers and Town Officers.
Item Number
G1157 Broadsides 1776 No.10