LocationThe John Brown House Museum
Tour TypeMuseum Tour
Duration50 minutes
Recommended GradesBest for 3rd-6th Grade Level Learners

Step through time into the colonial period at the John Brown House Museum and learn about life in 18th-century Providence. This program uses stations inside the house to offer interactive and experiential learning with sensory objects, discussion, and object analysis.

There is also a virtual tour available that uses images from inside the museum and a guided discussion to offer a deeper look and new ways of reading objects, people, and our history. This program is led by a museum educator and can be hosted by the RIHS’s Zoom account or the classroom’s Google Meet account. In addition, an asynchronous tour is available, with educators receiving a series of short, pre-recorded videos.

Standards: SS2.2.2a,e, SS2.2.3a,b,c, SS2.3.2a,b,c,d, SS2.3.3, SS2.4.4, SS3.1.1, SS3.2.1, SS3.2.3c, SS4.1.2, SS4.3.1, SS4.3.2, SS4.3.3, SS4.4.1, SS5.2.2, SS5.2.4, SS5.3.1, SS5.3.3, SS5.4.1, SS5.5.1, SS7.2.3, SS7.3.1, SS7.5.1, SS7.2.3, SS7.3.2, SS7.5.1

Standards for HS adaptation: SSHS.USI.1.2,SSHS.USI.1.3, SSHS.USI.1.4, SSHS.USI.2.1, SSHS.USI.2.2, SSHS.USI.2.5, SSHS.USI. 4.1, SSHS.USI.4.2, SSHS.USI.5.6, WHII.3.2, WHII.3.4, WHII.3.6

Anchor Standards: Power, Rules & Laws, Rights & Responsibility, Change/Continuity, Historical Perspectives, Individuals/Groups, Human, Physical, and Environmental Interactions, Human Systems and Populations, The World in Spatial Terms, Scarcity/Abundance, Producers/Consumers, Economics/Government.

How to BookClick here for contact information by location and our inquiry form.