Front row, seated, left to right:
Mary E. Keyes St.Clair (Mrs. Francis), Rosa Wright Smith (Mrs.), Mary E. MacDonald (Mrs. Marshall), Maria G. Devereux (Mrs.), Mary V.E. Cabell (Mrs. William), Caroline Scott Harrison (Mrs. Benjamin), Eugenia Washington, Regina M. Knott (Mrs. A. Leo), Sallie Kennedy Alexander (Mrs. T.H.), Margaret P.J. Hetzel (Mrs. A.R)
Second row, standing, left to right:
Sylvia De Wolf Ostrander (Mrs. C.), Lillian S. Evans, Margaret Everhart (Mrs. William), Ella Loraine Dorsey, Sallie A. Jackson (Mrs. Henry), Mary H.L. Shields (Mrs. George), Estelle Doremus (Mrs. R. Ogden), Mrs. Mary Smith Lockwood, Martha Cilley (Mrs. J.G.), Margaret D.L. Robinson (Mrs. Jeremiah), Emily N.R. McLean (Mrs. Donald), Mary Desha
Back row, standing, left to right:
Effie B. Osborn (Mrs. Frank), Mrs. E. Dickson, Mrs. Hugh Hagan, Belinda O.H. Wilbour (Mrs. Joshua), Jane W.B. Moran (Mrs. F.B), Virginia H. Kendall (Mrs. Frederic), Mary I. Forsyth

Great Gathering of Daughters of the American Revolution.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21—The first Continental Congress of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution will convene in this city to-morrow, and continue in session during three days. The public services will be held in the Church of Our Father. The congress will be called to order by the president, Mrs. Harrison, who will make the address of welcome.
On Tuesday the morning session will be devoted to addresses on special subjects by the regents of the different States. Wednesday will be the day for election of officers. Mrs. Cabell, presiding vice-president of the association, will give a reception Monday evening to visiting regents and delegates to meet the officers.
Mrs. Max M. Hallowell will give a luncheon to visiting regents and delegates on Wednesday. But the great social event of the Congress will be the reception by Mrs. Harrison at the White House in honor of the visiting regents and delegates at 9 o’clock on Wednesday evening.