List of Wedding Presents– Mrs. Sylvia R Dimock

1 Berry Spoon and 2 Sugar Spoons- Mrs. R. Doring

1 Ice Cream Knife and 12 ice cream spoons from G Fiske

1 Fish Knife and 1 Fish Fork from Mrs. Smith

6 Silver desert knives- Mrs. J. J. D’ Wolf

1 Berry Spoon and 1 Sugar Sifter from Mr. Buckley

6 Silver desert knives from ________________

2 Silver Egg Cups, 2 Tall Spoons and 2 Napkin Rings from Mr. Moore

1 Silver pil knife from Mrs. Davis

2 Silver  Butter Knives- Mr. Shaw

1 Silver Olive Fork – M. A. Battine

1 Silver Oliver Fork – J. Dimock

1 Sugar Spoon – Miss Ives

2 Silver Napkin Rings – Halsey D’Wolf

1 Sugar Sifter – Carrie Fales

1 Sugar Spoon- Lizzie D’Wolf

1 Sardine Fork- James D’Wolf

1 Pickle Knife and Fork – Mrs. S. Gibbons

1 Silver Soup Ladle- Miss W. Bullock

1 Crumb Knife – Mrs. Morgan

1 Macrisommi Knife – Mrs. Leonard

1 Cheese Knife and 1 Jelly Spoon – Dot Bullock

1 Jelly Spoon and 1 Pie Knife- A Bullock

2 Salt Cellars – Mrs. Andrews

1 Mustard Pot & Spoon – Mr. G. D’Wolf

1 Tea Strainer – Josie Dimock

1 Dozen Table Spoons- Mrs. J.B. Bullock

1 Dozen Tea Spoons, 1 Dozen Large Forks, 1 Dozen Small Forks – J. B. Bullock

1 Spoon Dish- Mrs. Scott Greene.

1 Cream Pitcher and 1 Sugar Bowl- Fp. St. Roberts

I Silver Crumb Knife- Exchanged for 1 Lake Basket- N Corchran.

1 Plated Pitcher + Salver- Mrs. J. Dimock

1 Family Bible – Mr. J.J. Dimock

1 Tea Service- Mrs. Dora Dimock

1 Tea Strainer Exchanged for 1 Fruit Knife- Anna Andrews

1 Bronze Clock- J.H. Smith

1 Purse and 1 Card Case- J.L. Litchfield

1 Card Case

1 Photograph Album – N.H. Hall

(…) _ Georgie D’Wolf

1 Plated Suger Dish – A. Farley

Toilet Set- C. Farley

Illustrated Book- Dr. John D’Wolf

Pin Cushion Case and Mat- Carrie Laurence

1 Signed Case- E. J. Cornstock

I Print Lace Stand- J.A. Spraque

I Breakfast Castor- Mrs. S.A. Bullock

1 Spoon Case- Mrs. S.A. D’Wolf

I Box of Candy- Harry Burrel

1 Point Lace Veil- A.E. Smith

1 Toilet Set- M.A. Dearth

1 Jet Glass- E. Hendricks

1 Set of Pearls- W.D. Dimock

1 Bronze Card Receiver and Bell- G. Sherry

1 Shell Comb- Ruth Bullock

1 Fan- Lizzie Marston