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A Purposeful Life: Charles Thomas and the Struggle for Racial Equality in Sports with Robert Cvornyek

In this virtual talk, historian Robert Cvornyek will present on Rhode Island-born athlete Charles Thomas. Thomas lived most of his life in Providence as a respected mentor to the city’s African American youth. During his long athletic career, Thomas competed at the amateur, collegiate, semi-pro, and professional levels. He integrated a few line-ups along the way but also played on teams comprised solely of non-white players. His multiple experiences provide insight into how Black athletes navigated the troubled waters of segregation, found pride in all-Black teams, and showcased their talents to advance the struggle for freedom and equality in several different arenas, including the baseball diamond, basketball court, and football field.

This talk is free, but registration is required. Guests can register here.


Feb 7, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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