Join the Rhode Island Historical Society and the Rhode Island School of Design Museum on Wednesday, September 6th at 10:30am for a program designed exclusively for RIHS and RISD Museum Members inspired by the exhibition Eating in Edo.
The program will begin at the RISD Museum, where guests will enjoy a specially designed beverages from Bolt Cafe before embarking on a gallery tour with Curator of Asian Art Wai Yee Chiong of the exhibition Eating in Edo. Chiong will lead members as they explore the culinary culture that flourished in Japan during the prosperous Edo period (1615–1868), when Japan experienced its longest period of peace. The exhibition features 18 woodblock prints exploring Edo cuisine’s richness, its beautiful presentations, and the wide variety of ingredients from land and sea that contributed to its development.
Attendees will then make their way to Somo for a private lunch with chef and owner Nino Elgheryany. Here, Elgheryany will serve an exclusive menu of designer sushi rolls and Japanese cuisine while discussing his passion for Japanese food and his path to becoming a celebrated sushi chef in Providence.
Tickets are $50 and are extremely limited. You can purchase a ticket here.