Rhode Island History Journal, Vol. 33, February 1974

In this issue:

Frontier Justice in Newport–1652 by Bradford F. Swan Newport Alexander Partridge William Coddington vigilante justice Coddington commission

Colonials at Play: Leisure in Newport, 1723 by L. Douglas Good Newport amusements taverns and inns games drinking celebrations and anniversaries dinnr parties prostitution cock fighting gambling

‘The Result May Be Glorious’–Anti-Gallows Movement in Rhode Island, 1838-1852 by Philip English Mackey abolition of the death penalty John Brown Francis William R. Staples Samuel Y. Atwell John Gordon murder of Amasa Sprague religious debate Thomas Robinson Hazard

American Paintings in the Rhode Island Historical Society– An Introduction by Cathleen McGuigan Rhode Island Historical Society painting collection Amos Perry Frank H. Goodyear, Jr. American paintings

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