In this issue:
How Acid Factory Brook Got Its Name by Roger Tillinghast Clapp Acid Factory Brook West Greenwich Bela Clapp Clapp’s Acid Factory amonia production acetic acid dyes textile manufacturing Bela T. Clapp & Company
The New England Governors vs. Lincoln: The Providence Conference by William B. Hasseltine by Hazel C Wolf Abraham Lincoln New England governors Civil War Radical Republicans Gov. John Andrews Confiscation Act Gov. William Sprague Gov. Israel Washburne Gov. Samuel Buckingham Gov. Nathaniel Berry
Captain Cornelius Soule by William Greene Roelker Capt. Cornelius Soule ship captain China trade merchant Delia Soule Dyer Canton Hawaii John Jacob Astor Beaver
Letters of Sullivan Dorr, ed Howard Corning, reviewed by James B Hedges
Rural Economy in Rhode Island 200 Years Ago” (concluded) by Carl R Woodward rural economy prices of commodities Benoni Waterman account books farming wages prices of crops prices of livestock Warwick account books commerce
The First Century of the John Carter Brown Library, by Lawrence C. Wroth, reviewed by W A Jackson
Title Page and Index of Volumes I-V, 1942-1946
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